Envano – Green Bay, WI

Know Your Customer With New Demographic Data in Google Analytics

Along with a handful of new updates to Google Analytics, interactive strategists now have an easy way to capture in-depth demographic user data for those visiting their site.

“Until recently, a demographic data set was missing from Google Analytics. Now, data collected from DoubleClick third-party cookies is available in the new demographic report. You’ll see valuable information about your audience’s gender, age and interests with just a couple of clicks.”

No more guessing about who your ideal customer is. You can do things like:

To start seeing these reports, you’ll need to activate demographics data by following these steps:

It takes about two minutes to complete the steps above and start seeing demographics data in Google Analytics. Once you’ve finished the setup, you should see demographics data in your account in about 24–48 hours. There is tremendous value in updating to the new Google Analytics code for gathering demographic information to help fuel your social, content and interactive business efforts.

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