Envano – Green Bay, WI

Developing a Strategy Around Customer Experience


People these days don’t simply enjoy a good digital experience — they expect it. And more and more customers choose products and services based on the quality of experience they have with both the product and the company prior to making their final purchase decision.

To ensure a cohesive experience and navigate cross-channel complexity, the most logical solution is a map. When you are mapping a route to your intended destination, you have to know your starting point. Otherwise, there’s no clear path. Customer journey mapping helps inform an overarching customer experience strategy as it maps the end-to-end the customer journey, emotional journey and brand communication journey.

The goal? Improve the customer experience through a systematic process to improve customer satisfaction, loyalty and advocacy — from awareness to education to evaluation (demo) to purchase to loyalty.

What is a Customer Journey Map?

Customer journey maps allow you to walk in your customers’ shoes by traveling with them as they interact with your company. When based on sound research, they provide an accurate outside-in view, focusing on desired outcomes from the customer’s perspective. You’ll see what customer needs are at each interaction, how well you meet them, and where opportunities for improvement lie. The value in mapping your customer experience is clear. Imagine the insight and potential return on investment if you know, with a great degree of certainty, how and when people will interact, what they require, and the information they need to pull the trigger on your product or service.

The Buying Process

Although customer journey maps can take many forms, the most common approach is to look at things from the eyes of your customer as they travel throughout their buying process. When they first become aware of your product or service, what do you need to offer them to convince them to keep you in their consideration set? As they evaluate alternatives, what do they require as crucial steps in solidifying your relationship? After they purchase, how will you adequately offer them the post-purchase support they deserve on their way to becoming a brand loyalist?

Create a buyer journey and follow it all the way through by providing relevant information that customers find valuable and gives them what they need to know to make a purchase decision. If you’re not quite ready to fully map your customer journey and revamp your online presence, check out our blog on a few quick hits to improve customer experience online.

Ready to map out your customer experience? Let’s chat!

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