Envano – Green Bay, WI

The Cost Of Not Being Mobile Friendly (It’s Big!)

Infographic of a desktop website display and two mobile phones. One phone is mobile-friendly and one is not.

Mobile users are the fastest-growing consumer market segment and mobile adoption shows no signs of slowing. Everywhere you look, potential customers are glued to their smartphones. On a more tangible note, a BI Intelligence report states that by 2020, mobile commerce will make up 45 percent of total e-commerce, equaling $284 billion in sales. Mobile sales are skyrocketing, mobile tech continues to change the way customers interact with brands and those companies not taking advantage of this shifting landscape are likely losing sales.

Nearly half of all traffic to brand websites today is mobile, and a growing percentage of these customers are mobile-only. If your business is not accessible on mobile devices, how many customers are you potentially losing daily, monthly, yearly? Let’s find out.

Calculate what you’re losing if your website is not mobile friendly.


Not mobile friendly? The gap is closing, but there’s still time — and we can help! Fill out our contact form and let’s chat!

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