Envano – Green Bay, WI

Validate Your Marketing Efforts with UTM Tracking

A magnifying glass inspecting UTM tracking parameters.

Do you ever wonder how you can attribute website visits and actions on your site to individual marketing efforts? You may be in need of an Urchin Tracking Module (UTM)! A UTM simply stands for the parameters that are added to links for tracking purposes (not a funny scuba diving apparatus).

Why UTM Tracking?

By adding UTM parameters, you are able to sort and compare website traffic in Google Analytics or other analytics tools. Moreover, you are able to better answer questions like:

Without UTM tracking, you limit your ability to credit your efforts to the appropriate channel. Additionally, you limit your ability to analyze which content and platforms are contributing to your KPIs. You may find that a particular topic or campaign performs amazingly well on Facebook, but then flops on LinkedIn. Similarly, another topic can get great engagement on Instagram but doesn’t resonate with your email marketing audience. All of this information is valuable for focusing your time and money on avenues that are most fruitful for your business.

How Does It Work?

Adding UTM parameters to a link is typically pretty easy. With this in mind, you simply put your link into a URL builder with a few parameters. This will generate a long link with all the tracking. This long link “talks to” analytical tools and the UTM parameters help the tool sort traffic by source, medium, campaign and more.

For example, a link with UTM tracking added might look like this: https://learn.envano.com/?utm_campaign=2020workshops&utm_source=envano.com&utm_medium=blogpost&utm_content=utmtracking.

In this instance, the original link is https://learn.envano.com. We add everything we want to track (the campaign name, source, etc.) after the question mark using a UTM builder.

Remember to create a different UTM link for each source and medium to validate efforts. If that seems daunting, start by adding tracking to paid advertising links. This makes sure you are able to analyze paid efforts for return on investment.

How to create a UTM link:

1. First, visit the Google Analytics Campaign URL Builder.

2. Next, enter the following website URL and campaign information:

3. Lastly, long link with the UTM parameters added will automatically generate below the campaign information.

Pro Tip:

Finally, if you’re thinking, “man, UTM tracking just makes that link too long,” visit Bitly or another URL shortener to shorten the UTM link. Links should always have UTM parameters added, but shortening the link using Bitly can make it suitable for posting on social media and other places where the long UTM may be obnoxious.

Ready to start validating and attributing your marketing efforts with UTM tracking? Fill out our contact form and let’s chat!

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