Envano – Green Bay, WI

SEO for CEOs: What You Need to Know About Online Visibility

A cartoon boat on the water, fishing.

If you’re like most other executives, the term “search engine optimization” means very little. Either that or it means expense! But the importance of online visibility and showing up in search engine result pages is much more than just marketing — it is critical to business strategy, a key in sharpening your competitive edge and formulating a strategy that drives the business visibility and growth necessary to dominate your industry. For that reason, here’s a quick overview of how to get your brand in front of as many customers as possible.

The Facts

Position Your Company at the Top with SEO and PTO

What is SEO? Search Engine Optimization. The process of improving the online visibility and ranking of your website in the organic search listing on search engines.

What is PTO? People Traffic Optimization (aka search intent). Effective search revolves around giving people what they want online, not just giving the search engines what they want. If people respect you online as an authority, and your content gives them valuable information about what they care about the most, your rankings will vastly improve, and they’ll turn to you when they are ready to buy.

What Matters Most — The Building Blocks

  1. Keywords: Choose keywords that have search volume and relatively low competition.
  2. Content: Write valuable content centered around your keywords.
  3. Technology: Build your website “correctly.”
  4. Links: Get links from other sites.

Things to Keep in Mind

At the end of the day, search engine and people optimization is a continual, long-term strategy, not a project.

Still stumped on how to make SEO work for your company? Fill out our contact form, and one of our SEO experts would be happy to help!

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