Published: September 2, 2015
Data, design, delightful storytelling. You need them all. These three pieces are essential to any website or application.
What would happen if you placed emphasis on one versus another? It seems that this tends to happen depending on the team building the overall product or tool. If your team is made up of purely backend developers, you may end up with a sophisticated application because you’ve got all of this technical data, and it may do various tasks, but it may or may not be useful to the actual user.
“You can’t forget about the data, but it’s important to remember who is going to be using the tool. One solution is to leverage APIs to integrate the data with great design,” shares Bill Zoelle, Creative Director at Envano. This is where a great marketing partner comes into play, to help develop a superb user interface.
“With the data source remaining constant by tapping into the power of APIs, we can present similar data in a personalized way. A great example of this lies with the endless options of weather apps. Most of these apps are pulling similar weather data, but some are straightforward reference tools, while others add animation and themes to better connect to niche audiences,” shares Bill.
The question remains, how do you present data to different users and audiences? How can you best combine the technology with the user experience? One of the ways we can help is through researching your brand’s company personas; we can make sure you’re not forgetting about the individual using the site or app.
Contact us to learn how we can help.