Content Marketing

For over 100 years, Gravely was in the business of high-performance lawn mowers. Their stand-on, zero-turn, walk-behind and electric options are the machines of choice for professional landscapers across the United States.
Gravely recognized a gap in their product offering — and of their brand in the dealer showroom — so they decided to fill the void with their newest high-performance machine, the Gravely Atlas JSV (job-site vehicle). They partnered with Envano to create the buzz and connection to their brand in the marketplace.
Gravely had a new, exciting product to share with customers and dealers: a JSV (job-site vehicle) designed with the worker in mind.
It was a new product category for Gravely to play within, so they wanted to make sure that customers knew the product was engineered with the same high quality and performance of their current product categories, as well as how it differed from other side-by-side work vehicle options in the marketplace.
Envano jumped right in! We crafted a full end-to-end product launch plan, seamlessly incorporating both digital and traditional marketing tactics.
With the date of the expo and product launch marching closer on the calendar, we created a pre-expo strategy to generate buzz for the Gravely Atlas.
We ran teaser ads on Facebook and Twitter and shared teaser content through forums, such as LawnSite, to get people engaged with the product launch. Each teaser element linked to a pre-launch landing page that was built to spread awareness, encourage sharing, and prep for gathering leads.
During the expo, we posted live on social media and gathered photo and video content for future promotional opportunities.
We gathered over 15 different testimonial videos.
Finally, once the expo was over (and oftentimes when most brands take a break), we pushed ahead.
Through the leads we obtained and the enhanced interest in the new product, we finalized blogs and social posts, launched the full Gravely Atlas landing page, sent emails to leads, and launched paid ad campaigns to drive traffic and encourage visitors to schedule a demo.
Through a combination of digital and expo promotions, the Gravely Atlas JSV (job-site vehicle) had a very successful launch with their target audience and dealers.
landing page conversion rate
videos and photos
email promo conversion rate
We achieved a 15.2% conversion rate on the GravelyAtlas.com landing page alone. Almost a quarter of all traffic to the website was from social channel posts and advertisements. We gathered over 250 different videos and photos to promote the product, including video testimonials. Finally, our promotional email for the campaign achieved a 34% conversion rate to links within.