How’s your View?

By David Sauter, CEO

Published: October 30, 2009

comScore recently updated its “Natural Born Clickers” study it did in conjunction with Starcom USA and Tacoda two years ago. The number of people who click on display ads has decreased from 32% of internet users in July 2007 to 16% in March 2009. Furthermore, only 8% of internet users make up 85% of all display ad clicks.

Are online display ads done? Hardly. In the words of Linda Anderson, comScore VP of marketing solutions, “… marketers who attempt to optimize their advertising campaigns solely around the click are assigning no value to the 84% of Internet users who don’t click on an ad…The study indicates that click-through rates are not the best metric to gage performance and that marketers would be wise to focus on “view-through impact.”

A companion comScore study, “Whither the Click?”, released in June showed that online display ads increased traffic for brand-sites, trademark searches and online and offline sales. Here’s the key: traffic increased whether users clicked on the ad or not. At Envano, we know that some of that traffic uptick is due to exposure via social networking sites such as FaceBook and Twitter. Some of it is due to smart search engine and email marketing efforts. Some of it is due to plain old “word of mouth” advertising (and word travels fast on the internet!)

It’s not all about the click. It’s more about the total view. How’s yours?
