Published: March 19, 2012
On February 29th, Facebook announced a “leap” to the new Timeline format for Branded pages. In a nutshell, here are the Top Ten Changes for Brands on Facebook Timeline. As visual case studies, we will reference Red Bull, UPS and our own Envano Timeline pages. Drumroll please…
10. Customizable “About” Box: prominent placement allows admins to place custom content (we recommend a tagline and a website link)
9. Highlight a Post: stretches a post across the entire length of your page (great for milestones in your organization’s or industry’s history)
8. Pin a Post: locks a significant post to the top of your post listing (use for promotions or significant announcements)
7. Admin Panel: integrates important information into a dashboard view
6. Default Landing Page Setting: unfortunately….this functionality does not exist anymore in the new Timeline layout
5. Tab Width Increases: allowing more real estate for custom promotions
4. Private Messaging: unfortunately, page admins can only send messages to fans who’ve contacted your Page
3. New Tab Location and…2. Custom Tab Icons: higher visibility and customization for your tabs
And the #1 change to Facebook Timelines for Brands….Custom Cover Photo & Badge! Much more real estate to work with, providing a very dynamic landing image for your fan page.
Honorable mention – these changes will automatically occur on March 30th, so update your pages and convert now!