Nix Storytelling. Try Storydoing.

By Stevie Sleeter, Content & Social Media Manager

Published: October 31, 2014


Ah, storytelling. A topic on everyone’s to do list. Buzzword? Maybe. Yet, absolutely essential for grabbing attention and engaging today’s customers.

People don’t have 30 seconds to be interrupted, but they do have 3 minutes to hear a great story. Interactive storytelling is not about “what you sell” it’s about conveying “what you stand for.”

Whether it’s discovering and revitalizing unknown content, creating and publishing new content, or editing and tweaking current content, companies today must engage and interact. We must share content that is engaging and imminently sharable, while profitably enhancing business and telling a story truly our own.

However, we all know stories come in fact and fiction. So if you happen to be a great storyteller – is that all that matters? Absolutely not.

Storytelling is one thing, but storydoing is another. There’s a difference between living your brand’s story and simply talking about it. According to a recent article on, “understanding the difference between the two and making that shift toward the latter is fundamental to building a business.”

Companies have to shift from storytelling, which has historically been the purview of the marketing department, to storydoing, which is a to-do for the entire organization.

The common goal is less about creating communications and more about creating experiences that people can participate in and share with others. The adage continues to ring true: Actions speak louder than words.

If you’re ready to start “storydoing,” make sure you fully understand and live out your “why” – why your company does the things you do, operates the way you operate. From there, leverage the power of the crowd to help fully live out your brand story through recommendations – 90 percent of people trust a friend’s recommendation, 75 percent anonymous reviews on the Internet, 50 percent advertising. Those recommendations are based on great experiences. Once again, actions speak louder than words.

Do you know your why? Let’s chat!

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