You Think You Need a Mobile App: Now What?

By David Sauter, CEO

Published: February 19, 2015


Screens are small. Communication is fast. And 24/7 connection is a given. In a world that’s constantly on the go, mobile apps play a vital role in mobile business solutions — reaching a target user with relevant information exactly when and where they need it.

Today, mobile strategy is no longer an option, it’s an imperative. You need a mobile app, but where do you start?

There are several factors that come to play in a mobile app development strategy – audience needs, required device functionality, the importance of security, offline capability, interoperability, among other things. In the end, it’s not just a question of what your app will do, but how you’ll get there.

This is the first step — understand the different types of apps, take a side in the age old web vs native app debate, and get on your way to a profitable mobile business strategy.Start here to determine whether a native app, web app, or hybrid app will help realize your mobile business solutions.’

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